

OBR (Optical Braille Recognition) Software Optical Braille Recognition (OBR) is a Windows software program that allows you to 'read' single and double sided Braille documents on a standard A4 scanner. It scans the Braille document, analyzes the dot pattern, and translates it into normal text that it presents on the computer screen. OBR is for people who work with blind people and do not read Braille. For example, teachers, public organizations communicating with Blind individuals and Computerized Braille Libraries. The scanning process is simple and quick and you can process two sides of a Braille-sheet in a single scan. Pressing the scan icon starts the process of scanning. After less than thirty seconds the information is presented at the screen. You can continue to scan the next page or start to use the information. The Braille information in a small letter or a complete Braille Book can be scanned into the computer just like a normal printed paper is scanned. And you do not need to know Braille to do this. The recognition from a good quality Braille document is excellent but even when scanning an old worn-out Braille document; the fault frequency is surprisingly low. By using standard Windows functions your Braille handling system will be complete and effective. OBR runs on a standard Pentium PC with Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows XP. The OBR software can be used with any type of Index Braille embosser for direct embossing of a scanned document. Independent of language or type of Braille code, the copy will be embossed without the involvement of any Braille Translation program. Benefits: 1. It helps resource teachers in integrated education schools, who do not know Braille, to read answer sheets written in Braille, which are translated into normal English text and then take a printout of the same. 2. It also simplifies the making of copies of old Braille books for which only one copy is available as it saves the labour of preparing the same again. These books can be in any Indian language and not only English. 3. Useful to schools, institutions, Braille libraries as well as State Departments of Welfare to read correspondence in Braille.

