

With S520 you can enjoy superior sound quality and comfort - and all at an affordable price. S520 comes with many features you can usually find only in higher-end instruments More Features: To ensure good speech understanding in every listening situation, S520 employs a 6-channel digital noise reduction to automatically reduce annoying background noise. Directional microphone technology (TwinMic™) which is an essential feature for improved speech understanding is available in the S520 Dir and as an option in many in-the-ear types. You can switch manually between the directional mode (for conversational situations) and the omnidirectional mode. The directional microphone technology in S520 has an adaptive component. This means that the loudest moving noise source coming from behind is recognized and reduced, whereby speech coming from the front is enhanced. For a better performance outdoors an automatic wind noise reduction feature is active in the directional mode, so disturbing noises caused by wind are eliminated or reduced. More Comfort: S520 was specially designed to provide the most comfortable and enjoyable hearing experience in its class. Our new AutoPhone feature is available in most custom and BTE models and makes using the telephone easier than ever. The AutoPhone functionality switches automatically to a dedicated telephone program as soon as a telephone is brought to the ear. S520 is also brimming with convenience features like altering tones to remind you when it’s time to change batteries and a leading-edge feedback cancellation system. More Styles: You’ll like the way S520 fits your life. It’s available in many configurations, including the latest BTE and open fitting designs to fit virtually any hearing need. S520 comes in a broad selection of colors to blend with a wide range of skin and hair tones. S520 DIR For mild to moderate hearing loss Four hearing programs possible With TwinMic directional technology S520 S For mild to moderate hearing loss Three hearing programs possible S520 Life For mild to moderate hearing loss or ski-slope hearing loss No controls on the instrument Ultra-thin tubing for left and right ear S520 In-the-ear models For mild to moderate hearing loss TwinMic directional technology available for IT/ITE, CT/ITC/HS Speak to your hearing healthcare professional to find out which type and options are best for you.


Vendor's Name: SOUNTEX
Address: (Regional office: India)
1 Laxmi Nilayam
Nanda Patkar Road
Ville Parle (E)
Phone No.: 02226149812